"Each child is a winner in our eyes"
Suburban Optimist Club of Buena Park 
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SOC High School Senior Recognition

The Suburban Optimist Club has honored graduating seniors of Japanese ancestry for over five and a half decades at our annual Senior Recognition event. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions on public gathering, we will not be holding an awards dinner again this year. However as in past years the Suburban Optimist Club will be offering a number of scholarship awards. Please proceed to the Senior Recognition events page http://suburbanoptimistclub.org/Senior_Recognition.htm.



Due to COVID, the annual SOC Christmas Party was turned into a drivethrough event. Please see the Youtube video provided by BGCGG link below:



We would like to congratulate our 2020 Winners:
February – Lisa Kiyohara
March - Mike Izuno
April - Duane Koba
May - Napoli Italian Restaurant
June - Steve Okamura
July - Eric Shishima
August -
Rosalie Aoyama
September -  Elaine and Barry Ganiko


Suburban Optimist Club's
55th Annual Charity Golf Tournament 
Tentatively Scheduled for Monday May 24, 2021

The SOC Golf Touranment for 2021 has been been tentatively scheduled for May 24, 2021 at Yorba Linda Country Club. More information will be posted when available.



Information for the 2021 Pancake Breakfast will be posted here.

SOC High School Senior Recognition Night 2020

SOC would like to congratulate our 54th annual Senior Recognition winners:

Alyson Chang

Aidan Kosaka

Gerrett Lim

Caroline Mendoza

Maia Oganeku

Matt Okazaki (SOC octagon winner)

Justine Sato

Nolin Togashi

Rachel Wong

Due to Covid19, we weren't able to celebrate together with our seniors but we were able to offer the scholarship portion. With the generous of our sponsors, SOC was able to award total 9 scholarships.  Huge Thanks go to the Tanaka family, Takata family and Fukushima family!

Congratulate to all high school seniors!

Link to Information Page

The Suburban Optimist Club of Buena Park
On February 10, 1966, a day which will live in the highest esteem of many youth in Southern California , forty eight eager and energetic individuals chartered the Optimist Club of Suburban Buena

As our motto is "Friend of the Youth" the focus of our club is geared to helping the youth from programs ranging from Bicycle Safety to our Youth Youth Sports Group. With more that a dozen program deserving high school seniors, these efforts could not be successfully accomplished without adequate fund raising efforts.  Fund raising is an integral part of the club's activities.  Our fund raiser can be fun as well as hard work but it is always a source of camaraderie and accomplishment each year.

Optimism is believing in the best for our future.  The Suburban Optimist Club provides the opportunity to help play a major role in the development of our future leaders of tomorrow. 

Suburban Optimist Club of Buena Park Officers 2019/2020:
President: TBD
Past President: Al Baez
Vice President: Ray Okazaki
Vice President: Duane Koba
Communications: Eric Shishima
Media: Mark Watanabe
Secretary: Nancy Suzuki
Treasurer: Kent Suzuki
Sgt At Arms: Mark Uyehara
Octagon Advisor: Lisa Kiyohara
Rice Paper: Mako Mizuki
SOC Foundation: Dan Fukushima
Directors: Stan Enomoto, Ellen Higa, Scott Iwamoto, Kasie Leung, Gene Murakami, Tracy Okida,  Steve Okamura, Sharon Okazaki

Our Mission Statement:
The Suburban Optimist Club  of Buena Park’s mission is to provide the structure and leadership in support of the community through civic and youth oriented  programs for families in Southern California and to provide the environment where tomorrow's leaders can build character, self-esteem and self-confidence.  

Optimist International
Meeting the needs of young people in communities worldwide, Optimist Clubs have been "Bringing  Out the Best in Kids" since 1919. Optimist Clubs conduct positive service projects aimed at providing a helping hand to youth. Club members are best known in their communities for their upbeat attitudes. By believing in young people and empowering them to be the best they can, Optimist volunteers continually make this world a better place to live. There are 114,000 individual members who belong to 3,500 autonomous Clubs. Optimists conduct 65,000 service projects each year, serving six million young people. Optimists also spend $78 million on their communities annually. For more information go the Optimist International website: CLICK HERE

The Optimist Creed

Promise Yourself-

bullet To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
bullet To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet
bullet To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
bullet To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
bullet To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
bullet To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
bullet To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
bullet To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
bullet To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
bullet To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.


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Suburban Optimist Club - Serving the community since 1966